Graphic design trends

Graphic design is a dynamic field that continually evolves with emerging technologies, changing cultural influences, and shifting design aesthetics. As we step into 2023, it’s crucial for graphic designers to stay on the cutting edge of design trends to create impactful and relevant visuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the graphic design trends for 2023, delving deep into each one to provide you with valuable insights and inspiration.

Neomorphism and Soft UI: The Rise of Tactile Realism

Graphic design trends

One of the most intriguing design trends gaining momentum is neomorphism. It’s an extension of the popular flat design, combining skeuomorphism’s realism with flat design’s simplicity. Neomorphic designs create an illusion of depth and texture, making elements appear as though they are popping out of the screen.

Key characteristics of neomorphism include soft shadows, subtle gradients, and layers that give the design a three-dimensional feel. The result is a more tactile, approachable, and immersive user experience.

Applications: Neomorphic design can be applied to user interfaces (UI), branding, and illustrations, particularly for tech companies and apps.

Nostalgic and Vintage Vibes: Retro Futurism

Nostalgia continues to be a powerful design trend, with a focus on the ’80s and ’90s. Retro futurism combines the aesthetics of these two decades, drawing inspiration from the era’s vision of the future. Think neon colors, geometric shapes, and a sense of nostalgia for old technology and retro video games.

This trend adds a sense of playfulness and nostalgia to your designs, evoking memories and emotions in your audience.

Applications: Retro futurism is popular in branding, packaging, poster design, and web design, especially for products and services targeting a younger demographic.

Sustainability and Eco-Conscious Design

In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront, eco-conscious design is a growing trend. This involves using sustainable design principles, earthy color palettes, and eco-friendly imagery to promote green initiatives and sustainable practices.

Eco-conscious design not only aligns your brand with eco-friendly values but also resonates with a socially aware audience.

Applications: Sustainability-focused design is relevant for eco-friendly brands, organic products, environmental nonprofits, and any business aiming to highlight its green practices

Geometric Abstraction: Bold, Minimalist, and Eye-Catching

Geometric abstraction is a bold design trend that uses simple geometric shapes to create striking visuals. It’s all about minimalism, using basic shapes, vibrant colors, and negative space to capture attention.

This trend is powerful because of its simplicity and versatility. It allows designers to convey complex ideas with a clean and uncluttered visual language.

Applications: Geometric abstraction is ideal for posters, logos, social media graphics, and any design where simplicity and visual impact are essential.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

As AR technology becomes more accessible, graphic designers are finding innovative ways to incorporate it into their designs. AR elements can enhance user engagement and interactivity, offering a new dimension to static visuals.

For example, packaging designs can include scannable AR codes that reveal additional content when viewed through a smartphone app. This creates an immersive and memorable brand experience.

Applications: AR can be used in packaging design, print media, advertising campaigns, and digital experiences, adding layers of interactivity and engagement.

Maximalism: Vibrant, Chaos, and Uniqueness

While minimalism has dominated the design scene for years, maximalism is making a comeback. Maximalist designs are characterized by their bold use of color, patterns, and visual elements. They are busy, vibrant, and unapologetically chaotic.

This trend breaks free from the constraints of simplicity and embraces extravagance. It’s a rebellion against the muted color palettes and clean lines that have dominated design in recent years.

Applications: Maximalism is perfect for editorial design, social media campaigns, and packaging design where standing out and making a statement is the goal.

3D Typography and Lettering

Typography is an essential aspect of graphic design, and in 2023, we see a surge in 3D typography and lettering. This trend elevates the text from the two-dimensional plane, giving it depth and dimension. Designers experiment with shadows, textures, and lighting to create stunning 3D typographic elements.

3D typography adds visual interest and can be used to convey a brand’s identity effectively.

Applications: 3D typography is versatile and can be used in branding, advertisements, website headers, and various marketing collateral.

AI-Generated Art and Design

Artificial intelligence is making its mark on the design industry. AI can generate images, designs, and even assist in layout decisions. It’s a powerful tool for streamlining design processes and coming up with unique, data-driven visuals.

Designers are increasingly collaborating with AI to push the boundaries of creativity and automation.

Applications: AI-generated art and design can be used in various sectors, including marketing, content creation, and data visualization.

Emphasis on Accessibility and Inclusivity

Designing with inclusivity in mind is not just a trend; it’s a critical design principle. In 2023, there’s a growing focus on creating designs that are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. This involves using high-contrast colors, clear typography, and considering the needs of users with disabilities.

Applications: Inclusive design is relevant for all digital and print media, ensuring that everyone can access and understand the content.

Custom Illustrations and Personalized Graphics Design Trends

In a world flooded with stock imagery, custom illustrations are a breath of fresh air. They allow brands to create unique and memorable visuals that align with their identity.

Custom illustrations can add a personal touch to a brand’s storytelling, making it more relatable and human.

Applications: Custom illustrations are ideal for website design, branding, social media content, and any place where a unique visual style is needed.


As we step into 2023, graphic design continues to evolve, offering designers a vast array of creative possibilities. The trends we’ve explored in this blog post represent the direction in which the industry is heading—a fusion of digital innovation, sustainable consciousness, and a desire to create visually impactful and memorable designs. To stay ahead in this ever-changing field, designers should keep an eye on emerging trends, experiment with new techniques, and adapt their skills to meet the evolving demands of the design landscape. Whether you’re an established professional or an aspiring designer, embracing these trends can help you create visually stunning and culturally relevant designs in 2023 and beyond.